A location is an entity that can be used to create relations between various other entities in the system such as guest/residents, screens, maintenance tasks etc. but also locations are used to structure other locations such as buildings and floors.
A location typically represents a physical location or area at a physical site. A hotel room is a typical location.
Locations always belong to one location category.
Under a site you can manage locations under Administration -> Location setup:
Here you can add new locations in bulk, define relations between locations and manage other location properties.
You can define your own location categories and custom tags by pressing the SETUP button. Tags can be useful for filtering rooms, especially with the upcoming housekkeping feature.
Locations that are to be used by hospitality features for checking in guests and connecting screens must be of a hospitality category. Hospitality categories are defined under Hospitality -> Config.
Only locations of the defined location category will be listed in hospitality-related features such as guest-checkin.